Sunday, September 7, 2014

Welcome to OSU (Halsell Hall Edition)

As a cliche college student, I too have decided to start a blog!

I call this entry the Halsell Edition because Halsell Hall is my new temporary dorm (As part of the Bioenergy program, I only get to stay here for 2 weeks) I say get to because this dorm is the most spacious, beautiful, apartment/hotel like dorm I have ever set foot in. Immediately regretting my decision to later stay at Sackett Hall, let me give you a quick run-down of what this beauty looks like:

Imagine walking down the corridor of a hotel. That's what it looks like in the hallways. Very nice, new, and a clean feeling to it. Upon entrance to the suite (yes, they are called suites because that's how nice they are) you are greeted by a kitchenette set on the right (stove, sink, cabinets) and a living room that's about the size of any other normal dorm. On the left hand side are three rooms: Bathroom, a single, and a double. My friend Irvin just moved in to the single, and Louis is staying in the double. On the right hand side are three rooms as well: Shower room, a single where Michael is staying, and a double. My room is the double on the right hand side, but fortunately I get the spacious room all to myself. I've literally stayed in hotels that are not as nice. So a tip to anyone planning on OSU: Become a foreign exchange student, enroll when you are over 20, and join the Gender Inclusive dorm that is Halsell.

I must say, the SMILE program is treating us well. After getting basic orientation down, today was all about getting to know each other. I felt out of my bubble honestly, but then again, so did every kid. We were all latched on to our parents not wanting to associate with one another. But eventually we were pulled apart in different groups, and after a few ice breaker games and drawing some pictures I think we all relaxed around one another. Everything and anything is provided through the program, and lunch was treated to both the student and their family. Make-your-own-tacos and lemonade that was too sour for William (My Freshmen brother) was a nice treat.

After lunch, ice breaker activities, instructions about curriculum, and move-in, it was finally time to say good-bye to my family. It was... odd. Though I was only saying good-bye for two weeks, the feeling of staying in a dorm and not being at home changed how I felt about the good-bye.

At dinner I got to know my friends a bit more. Irvin, Michael, and Louis are staying with me, while Justin, Abraham and Robert are staying a room down in 221. We already formed our little posse, and it's pretty incredible how quickly we got to know each other.

It's late though. We've decided to wake up early to hit Dixon in the morning for some treadmill (otherwise I get to run around the field while Robert rides his bike next to me).

Soooo on that note.... Minute Rice out!

1 comment:

  1. This is odd because part of me doesn't want to read this because of how much I miss you.....but you're too amazing. I cant pass up this opportunity to listen to how your day went. I can't help it. I hope you have a good time but just make sure that you come home ever now and then. <3 I miss you
