Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How you feel when you miss an assignment

Everyone knows that feeling. The gut-wrenching, heart-jerking, stomach-dropping feeling of a missed assignment. The moment prior to realization, when you are blissfully unaware of the emotional havoc you will wreck on yourself; it's nothing short of a naive bliss. And then you open your planner, you look down at the one un-checked box and you realize that nothing will save you from the missed chemistry lab report. There is no God who can extend a hand to fudge the time stamp when you submit it late to the devil known as Blackboard, or it's counterpart Canvas. The following seconds are filled with frantic thoughts on how to save your ass from the 0/10 that will wreak havoc on your grade. The following minutes will have created several lies that you will tell to your lab TA or group members to persuade them that indeed, Blackboard was down and you were hospitalized that evening. The following hours may or may not result in a time of solace, where you come to accept the grade you will receive, and decide against immoral methods. The key phrase here would be "may or may not". No matter, it will be the first thing on your list when you rush out of class. No matter how sunny, the weather will be gloomy. No matter how cheerful your friends are, they are filthy plebes. No matter the greetings, the texts, the e-mails you receive during the rush back to your computer, there is only one thing on your mind: "God damn it, I done fucked up".
Throwing your backpack aside, you'll clear a spot where your computer will hit the desk. You'll frantically type your credentials to log-in, just to find that the wireless internet isn't connecting to your computer. After a few minutes of obscenities and desperate reconnection attempts, you'll finally log-in to Canvas to submit the late assignment. And as you log-in, and attempt to upload the assignment, of course the upload icon would be gone. Why wouldn't it? Canvas is practically the new-age spawn of Satan right? 
And that's when you'll notice. Your lab group did it for you. They fucking did it. 
Tears of joy and cuss-words will slur together, but nonetheless, chemistry lab has been defeated once again.

Sorry for the profanity. But it only better explains how emotionally distressed I was. 
Also, I did not proof-read. I never proof-read. You should know that.