Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 1 of way too many

I was definitely tossing and turning last night I was so freakin' excited for today. I mapped out where I needed to go, I planned out every minute: I was ready.

Well, I thought I was. I woke up at 6, and was out the door at 6:30 which led me to West Dining Hall, a minutes walk from my dorm. Turns out West doesn't open until 7, so I was stuck reading my Chem book in the cold. Class act for me right? I gulped down a quick breakfast, and rode behind a guy in an orange jacket to class where I was in the doors by 7:30. Turns out that the guy in the jacket was my professor, and I had the front middle row seat to his class. 

After Dr. Nafshun made us laugh extremely hard during his syllabus introduction, I had 8 minutes to get to Math 251 in Kidder, which took me 7 minutes exactly. Again, front row seat since nobody else wanted it and I had notes from when I took 251 at Chemeketa, so that was nice. 

My break consisted of Justin and I meeting up to go to Winco to get free food. However, we didn't have enough coupons, so we used detective work to find out they have old coupons and newspaper in Snell, so we grabbed four days worth of coupons, totaling 160 dollars of free food. We biked there and got 12 pack of top ramen, poptarts, popcorn, tuna, and a bag of cereal. I paid 0 dollars and 0 cents. In fact, the lady paid me six cents for re-using a bag (my backpack), so I am making money going to Winco to get their free food. Blows my mind but whatever. Top ramen party, am I right?

At 3, I went to my COMM 111 lecture which had about.... 200 people. So that was new. My professor is the mother of the coach of Crescent Valley XC, so it's funny seeing all the pictures of him. Then, during our lecture we watched a speech and had to identify why it was so good. Most answers consisted of the basics: eye contact, enunciation, tone, natural sounding. And then there was me: "I liked how he used the hook in the introduction which led to the roadmap that he followed perfectly". My professors response was "Get out of my class. You already know everything". Couldn't help but feel good (and feel the temptation to take her up on that offer). Later, I received an email address to contact to continue my Speech and Debate career in college. Considering it with no further comments. 

Afterwards, I had 20 minutes to go join the OSU XC team on their run, which started at Dixon and lead to Bald Hill. Climbing up the steep side of Bald Hill makes the Monster at Silverfalls look like a child. It was tough, it was fun, and I was trucking up that thing like I was made to run it. After we all met at the top, I helped push the pace going home where we averaged mid to low sixes (even though it was obvious the captains wanted the first day easy. Oh well). 

My last class was CBEE (Chemical, Biological, Environmental Engineering) class which had about, 100 people. So not too bad. Dr. Skips was really funny, and made a point to say we can call him Skip when we pass the class. He also has ran 1,000 days in a row or something (I think it was more). He's pretty rad. He also doesn't use TA's and insists on teaching everything himself, so that was a huge relief. 

After eating my dinner during CBEE (Yogurt and poptarts), I went to Ultimate Frisbee practice. It was really intense and there was a lot to learn. I'm not sure it was the thing for me, but I ran probably another 4 miles there just running all over the field. My commitment is currently hesitant, and probably unlikely. But it's definitely fun, and if I have spare time to go to a pick-up game, I totally would. Just attending practice after a solid 8 miler was brutal on the legs (and butt because it cramped during Skip's class which made for my most awkward Freshman moment yet). 

On this note I will end this post: My milk is still not thawed. 


  1. I can just picture you stretching in class and your butt cramping :) and how you couldn't do anything about it :) I do really miss you terribly.

    1. Uh, yeah! It was miserable. I miss you too and I'm excited to come back and see you! So many stories to tell that I sometimes can't fit on here (or wouldn't necessarily be appropriate) :)
